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Recently closed consultations

Here are issues we’ve asked you about in the past that are now closed

Consultation on extension of rights in sound recordings and performances to foreign nationals

The UK is party to various international agreements on copyright and related rights. Under these agreements, the UK extends protection to works (such as music and books) and performances from other countries. In return, those countries provide protection to works and performances from the UK. This enables the UK creative industries to secure remuneration when their music, books, films and other creative media are used abroad. The government intends to change how certain rights are...

Closed 22 March 2024

IP and Business Growth Survey

We are inviting businesses to respond to our survey on IP and business growth. It should take around 10-15 mins to complete. The survey is split into the following sections: Section 1 covers information about your business. You will be asked questions on your location, sector, firm size, age and other business activites. Section 2 covers your perception, ownership and management of any IP your business may own. Section 3 covers questions on access to finance,...

Closed 2 February 2024

Music Streaming Metadata Survey For Tech Responders

In the era of digital music, good quality metadata, which describes who contributed to a track’s creation and how, is essential to making sure music makers are accurately credited and paid. But metadata is often not as accurate or complete as it should be, in particular in relation to songwriters and their song or composition. Incomplete or inaccurate metadata can lead to significant delays to creators being paid for the use of their works, and in some cases not...

Closed 5 January 2024

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